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时间:2023-06-01 19:15:04 来源:西浦招生


 方向介绍   Pathway introduction

战略人力资源管理方向由西浦创业家学院(太仓)创业与企业港与西浦和谐管理研究中心联合教授, 并与产业头部企业资源如汇思人力资源集团、霖珑云科集团、明基逐鹿公司等深度合作,针对数智时代人力资源领域(如数智人力资源的战略与实践、人才战略与生态构建、跨文化管理与领导力等)面临的新挑战与机遇,通过融合式教育模式,致力于培养适应未来发展需要的国际化、数智化、战略型人力资源人才,帮助学生具备推动组织战略变革与创新的能力。

The Strategic Human Resources Management (SHR) pathway, jointly developed by the Entrepreneurship and Enterprise Hub in Entrepreneur college (Taicang) and the HeXie Academy, has deep cooperation with the industry leading enterprises such as Humanpool, LinLongYun, and BenQ Guru. This pathway focuses on the new challenges and opportunities in the field of human resources (such as intelligent human resources: strategy and practice, talent strategy and ecosystem construction, cross-cultural management and leadership, etc.) in the era of digitalisation and AI (artificial intelligence), and is dedicated to cultivating international, intelligent and strategic human resources talents to meet the needs of future development. It cultivates students’ ability to enable strategic change and innovation in organisations.

 推荐语   Recommendation




“With a competitive Strategic Human Resources Management (SHR) pathway, this industry-oriented programme provides you a deep understanding of cutting-edge development in the human resources industry and critical skills. It cultivates future international, intelligent and strategic human resources talents. It also prepares you to lead and engage strategic change and innovation in organisations.”


Dr. Peng Liu

Pathway Director of Strategic Human Resources Management (SHR) pathway


Overview of the Strategic Human Resources Management pathway


Strategic Human Resources Management pathway is aimed at the new problems and opportunities brought by digital intelligence in the field of human resource and organisation management in the era of global industry reshaping, such as human-machine symbiosis, business digitalisation, organisational capability refreshing, and data-driven business model innovation. The pathway explores a syntegrative education approach. It helps students understand and master interdisciplinary theoretical tools such as complex system science, management, and psychology, and how to apply these theoretical tools and systematically solve strategic and innovative problems in the human resource field in the age of digitalisation and intelligentisation. This pathway cultivates students' entrepreneurial and innovative spirit, helps them master knowledge and competence of intelligent HR strategy and practice, talent ecosystem construction, HR digital transformation implementation path and tools, cross-cultural management, and empowers students to participate in solving new problems in industrial development and supports enterprise organisational digital transformation.


Through this pathway, students can also significantly improve their soft skills such as interpersonal communication, teamwork, and leadership, becoming highly skilled professionals with an entrepreneurial spirit and international vision.

● 本专业通过大学与企业、行业和社会的深度合作模式,直接面对行业实践面临的新问题和新技术带来的新机遇,为学生提供一系列国内/国际知名企业参访交流、实习和创业的机会,帮助学生深刻理解战略人力资源与人才生态管理的前沿理论与实践、工具和方法。

The pathway provides students with a series of domestic/international famous enterprises visiting, internship, and entrepreneurial opportunities through an in-depth cooperation between the university, enterprises, industry and society to directly face new problems and opportunities in industry development, helping them deeply understand the cutting-edge theories and practices, tools, and methods of strategic human resources and talent ecosystem management.

● 本专业采用融合式学习方式,除了理论知识辅以案例的学习方式之外,还结合现场学习、深入企业的实习、学术导师和产业导师联合指导下的专题研讨,以及通过创业项目真正参与产业实际问题解决过程等方式进行学习,通过多元融合的学习模式,深入理解和掌握数智时代战略人力资源前沿知识和技能。

The pathway also uses a syntegrative learning approach that combines theoretical knowledge with case studies, on-site learning, in-depth internships in enterprises, special seminars under the guidance of academic supervisors and industry mentors, and participation in actual industrial problem-solving processes through start-up projects. Through a diverse and blended learning model, students can gain a deep understanding and mastery of the frontiers of strategic human resources and talent ecosystem management in the age of digitalisation and intelligentisation.

● 本专业采用全英文授课;拥有具备全球视野、国际化、来自学界和行业的多样化背景的师资团队,既能够从理论高度指导研究导向式学习,又对行业实践有较为深刻的理解。

Taught in English

A faculty team with a global horizon and diverse international backgrounds can guide research-oriented learning from a theoretical perspective and have a profound understanding of the practice.

● 学生毕业后可获得中国教育部认可的英国利物浦大学学位。

Earned a University of Liverpool degree recognized by the Ministry of Education of China upon graduation.

知识与技能    Knowledge and skills


As a graduate of Master of Entrepreneurship and Innovation with Specialisation in Strategic Human Resources Management Pathway, you will be qualified to:


Understanding of the cutting-edge praorganisationctices and industry-level problem-solving frameworks in strategic human resources and talent ecosystem management in the age of digitalisation and intelligentisation: Understand changes that digital intelligence has brought to human resource management in different types of s worldwide; study cases of success and failure and be able to analyse in-depth organisational change and organisational capacity upgrade issues, such as machine substitution, production line upgrading, data-driven business development, and the transition from labour-intensive to knowledge-intensive; understand how to use digital intelligence such as big data analysis and artificial intelligence to address and solve human resource and talent ecosystem management challenges in enterprise development; learn and master the knowledge, competencies and skills, and methods to address these problems.


Develop a systematic knowledge framework and application ability for Strategic Human Resource and Talent Ecosystem Management based on Digital Intelligence: Be able to approach human resources and critical talent management prorganisationoblems from a strategic, entrepreneurial, and innovative perspective; understand the relationship between strategic human resource management and digital intelligence innovation, and strategic (business) transformation; explore how to effectively build teams, promote al diversity and talent retention, and create solutions for organisational and cultural change; understand and master knowledge and competencies in planning, management, leadership, and communication, and be able to develop a set of problem-solving solutions for strategic human resources and talent ecosystem management that are suitable for specific organisational situations and future development.


Develop an evolving knowledge framework and mindset (HeXie mindset) that addresses complex problems: Understand and master new knowledge and competencies in strategic human resources and talent ecosystem management, form a strategic thinking that integrates human resource professional insights, business thinking, product thinking, and data thinking, enable entrepreneurial and innovative abilities; understand and master strategic analysis and business intelligence capabilities, demand analysis capabilities, project management capabilities, data management and analysis capabilities, and form a complex (HeXie) mindset that integrates Eastern and Western wisdom.

职业发展    Careers


The professional and industrial knowledge, competencies and skills, thinking and complexity mindset related to strategic human resources and talent ecosystem management that graduates possess can help them become cutting-edge talents in the age of digitalisation and intelligentisation. They can achieve career success in various large established firms, technology innovation enterprises, and multinational corporations. After graduation, they can continue to grow into high-level operators in strategic human resources and talent ecosystem management through the education and innovation ecosystem of XJTLU, with the long-term empowerment and support from XJTLU faculty and industry mentors.

核心课程    Core modules

第一学期 Semester 1


Entrepreneurship and Innovation, Entrepreneurial Finance, Intelligent HRM: Strategy and practice  


Marketing Management, Strategic Capabilities for Technology Innovation, Organisational Culture and Cross-Cultural Management 

第二学期 Semester 2


Research Methods for Entrepreneurs, Digital Talent Ecosystem Management, HR Digital Transformation and Implementation Strategy 


Leadership, Business Strategy and Sustainability   


第三、四学期 Semester 3 and 4


Work Placement,Consulting project,Business Startup

学制与学费    Length of schooling and tuition


Length of schooling: 24 months (full-time), 42 months (part-time)


Tuition: 200,000 Yuan(in total) 

如何申请    How to apply




